Weeknotes, 15th September

Turning a strategy into a plan, and preparing for shorter days, my week in review.

It’s a brief update this week. I’ve been working on:

Turning a strategy into a plan

I recently finished working on my new business strategy, with help from Caroline Jory. I spent a good chunk of time this week turning this into a detailed plan, and scheduling tasks for the rest of the year (and beyond).


I had my first call with a new coaching/mentoring client. I haven’t done anything like this in a while, and it’s been great to pick it up again. I’m going to be rolling this out as a service over the next few months too.

More conference prep

More prep for two speaking events:

  1. AMA’s Digital Copywriting Day on 20th September, where I’ll be speaking about the ‘why’ of content, and how to craft a content strategy.
  2. Button Conference on 16th-19th October. I think I finally ironed out all the big issues with this. I also decided to be kind to myself and outsource the slide design to an expert – Jonny EJ. (PS If you want to come, you can save $100 with the code POPE100)

I’ve put so much effort into the Button talk that I’ve decided to submit it to a few other events to try and get as much value out of it as I can.

Preparing for shorter days

I love the colder seasons, but shorter days are not my friend. The lack of daylight hours makes it much harder for me to fit in the work I need to do and get enough time outside in nature to keep my cup full. So I’ve been thinking about how to address it. My pal Martin took me to look round a beautiful occasional workspace in a field with great views of nature, I’ve lined up a new outdoor activity (I try and give myself a half day once a week to do something outdoorsy), and I’m looking at shifting my core working hours to 7am to 2pm for the depths of winter.

More posts

Content at…Scope

An interview with Stephanie Coulshed (she/her), Content Design Programme Lead at Scope.

10 patterns to structure your content for understanding, engagement, and effectiveness - and a matrix to help you choose the right one.

Learn what content operations are, why they matter, and what you need to consider as part of defining your content ops approach.

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