How I’m reducing the carbon footprint of my business
I aim to run a ‘good’ business. And to me, a big part of that is being environmentally responsible and reducing carbon emissions. So here’s what I’m doing to cut my carbon footprint.
I aim to run a ‘good’ business. And to me, a big part of that is being environmentally responsible and reducing carbon emissions. So here’s what I’m doing to cut my carbon footprint.
Whether or not to delete content is one of those ‘big’ content questions. It can be a polarising one too. So what’s the right answer?
Auditing is the content equivalent of showering and brushing your teeth: it’s basic hygiene. Plus, the benefits are huge. So why isn’t everyone auditing all the time?
I read a blog post recently which argued that the concept of tone in brand voice is a ‘scam’. This is one of a few discontented rumblings I’ve heard recently about tone. I agree with a lot of the criticism, but I’m not ready to give up tone as a section in my voice guidelines yet. Here’s why.
What Educating Rita can teach us about how to write a strategy that’s a map not a maze.
You can be readable or you can be creative, pick one. Wait…what?
In the 1960s, there was a creative revolution in advertising when someone decided that art and copy should try sitting in the same room. Applying a similar idea today, and getting content and design to work more closely, can transform your work for the better.