About us content

Content or links to copy that tells a story about who you are and what you do. This kind of homepage content is all about great copy, effective messaging, and getting your story across. I’d suggest that all but the most well-known charities (and maybe even them too) need to include some content from this category on their homepage.

On this page...

Tagline, mission or description

Copy saying what your organisation does, stands for, or can do for the user.

About us or what we do

Brief copy with a link to more information on an about us or what we do page.

Website screenshot of the Unlock homepage. The header reads: ‘Building a fairer future for people with criminal records’. The standfirst reads: ‘Our mission is to support & advocate for people with criminal records to be able to move on positively in their lives.’ There’s a ‘Find out more about what we do’ button. Behind the copy, there’s an image of three people laughing as they work on something together.
The hero section on the Unlock homepage shares the organisation’s mission and a link to more about what the charity does.


Numbers that help show what you do, quantify your impact, tell a story, or get a message across.

Website screenshot of the Scope homepage. The header reads: ‘Disability in the UK’. The statistics read: ‘There are 14.6 million disabled people in the UK. Life costs an extra £583 a month on average if you’re disabled. 9% of children in the UK are disabled. Disabled people are almost twice as likely to be unemployed.’ Each statistic is accompanied by an illustration.
Statistics about disability in the UK on the Scope homepage. These illustrate the need for the work the charity does.

Areas of work or programmes

Copy about or links to specific areas of your work or programmes that you run.

Website screenshot of the Sightsavers homepage. The header reads: ‘Our work’. There’s an image, title, standfirst, and button for each of the three areas of work, which are eye health, disability rights, and fighting disease.
Sightsavers clearly articulates its three areas of work in simple language on the homepage.

Interventions, activities or cases

Content about or links to specific instances of your work.

Website screenshot of the RNLI homepage. The header reads: ‘Latest lifeboat launches’. There are four panels showing the most recent lifeboat callouts, along with the location, date, and time.
The RNLI homepage features recent lifeboat callouts. These show the need for the charity’s work.

Testimonials or quotes

Quotes about your organisation or testimonials.

Website screenshot of the Mind homepage. The quote reads: ‘If it wasn’t for Mind I wouldn’t be here now. I will never forget their part in my recovery.’ There’s also an image of a smiling woman.
This quote on the Mind homepage shows how the charity helps. It could persuade supporters or encourage service users.

Your progress
