Advice and information content

Content that showcases sources of advice and information, whether that’s content on your website about a specific topic, resources, or something else. Like the services elements, this is about connecting people to support, but this time in a digital or self-service format.

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Info, help or advice

Links to topics, category pages, a specific piece of content, or a search/finder tool for information.

Website screenshot of the Unlock homepage. The header reads: ‘Are you looking for help or advice with a criminal record?’. The standfirst reads: ‘Our information and advice has been created to help you understand your rights, get practical help and move on positively. Search for what you need or browse our information topics. If you need more help, contact our helpline.’ There’s a search box, links to specific help topics, and a link to all information and advice articles.
Unlock gives users lots of ways to access information and advice, including search, links to specific topics, and a link to a list of all content.

Web chat, community, chatroom or forum

A link or CTA to web chat or an online community.

Website screenshot of the We Are With You homepage. The header reads: ‘Talk to us online.’ The standfirst reads: ‘Our team is online to help if you need drug or alcohol advice for yourself or to support a friend or relative.’
We Are With You has a link to its web chat service on the homepage.

Reports or resources

A link or links to reports, research, publications, templates, or tools.

Website screenshot of the Samaritans homepage. The header reads: ‘Changing the way we think about suicide’. The standfirst reads: ‘In addition to the services we provide, an important part of our work is understanding and challenging the social elements that impact suicide.’ There are four boxes beneath that link to: Suicide facts and figures, Samaritans’ Media Guidelines, The internet and suicide, Our policy and research.
The Samaritans homepage links to resources and its policy work. It also contextualises this information, explaining that it is an important part of its work.

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