Services content

Content that highlights services you provide to your users. It could be information about a specific service you offer, or tools to help people find a real-life service. This is all about connecting people to support as soon as they land on your website.

On this page...

Service finder or search

A search or finder tool to help people find a service.

Website screenshot of the Age UK homepage. The header reads: ‘In your area’. The finder tool has a drop-down menu for different kinds of support, a postcode box, and a search button.
Age UK has a tool on its homepage to help users find services in their area.

Service links

Links or CTAs to one or more services or a list of locations.

Website screenshot of the We Are With You homepage. The header reads: ‘Find a service’. The standfirst reads: ‘Get in touch with one of our 80 services in England and Scotland and our trained staff will help you reach your goals.
The We Are With You homepage has a link to its service finder page.

Service or location tour

A tour of a service or location to help people know what to expect from a visit.

Website screenshot of the Tomorrow’s Women homepage. The header reads: ‘See our centre from the comfort of your own home!’ The standfirst reads: ‘You can now experience our wonderful centre in the form of a 3D Virtual Tour, made by local company hi-impact media. Click below to take a tour!’
Tomorrow’s Women has a link to a tour of its centre on its homepage. This could be helpful for people who are nervous about visiting and want to understand more about what to expect.

Helpline or advice line

Contact details or links for a help/advice line, such as email, webchat, or phone number.

Website screenshot of the Samaritans homepage. The header reads: We’re waiting for your call’. The standfirst reads: ‘Whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We’re here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call 116 123 for free’. There’s also a link to ‘Other ways you can get in touch’.
Samaritans has a very prominent CTA for its phone line on its homepage, along with other ways to get in touch.

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