Changing search behaviour, the enshittification of the web, and threats to intellectual property. Keeping our jobs isn’t the only challenge AI poses for content folk.
What I’m working on right now.
I'm reflecting on two main things this week: content service thinking and leadership.
A 4-workshop week versus a no workshop week
Emergency IA and signs of light.
A website is never ‘done’
One thing I'd love to change about how people see their website or content, is the idea that this is work that can be 'finished'.
How to do a content audit
If you want to find out how to do a content audit, this is a good place to start. Get tips to make auditing quicker, easier, and more effective.
How I’m reducing the carbon footprint of my business
I aim to run a 'good' business. And to me, a big part of that is being environmentally responsible and reducing carbon emissions. So here's what I'm doing to cut my carbon footprint.
Whether or not to delete content
Whether or not to delete content is one of those ‘big’ content questions. It can be a polarising one too. So what's the right answer?
A content audit is a toothbrush for your website
Auditing is the content equivalent of showering and brushing your teeth: it's basic hygiene. Plus, the benefits are huge. So why isn’t everyone auditing all the time?
The best of Ten Things in 2021
Ten Things is my newsletter. Every other Monday morning I share ten eclectic links designed to spark ideas and make connections. These are the top ten Things of the year, according to clicks from readers.
In defence of tone
I read a blog post recently which argued that the concept of tone in brand voice is a 'scam'. This is one of a few discontented rumblings I've heard recently about tone. I agree with a lot of the criticism, but I'm not ready to give up tone as a section in my voice guidelines yet. Here's why.
My digital toolkit
As a solo consultant, I’m drawn to anything that promises to save me time, make my life easier, or help me do a better job. This is a snapshot of my current toolkit and how I’m using the things in it.
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